I've been sewing little pom-poms to the jacket in an attempt to disguise sections
of the jacket (eg. the lapel). I was lucky enough to find pom-poms that were
discoloured in tea/peachy tones (current favourite).
I really enjoy hand-sewing and find it very relaxing. Blake informed me last week
about the Militant Guild of Rural Tailors - which interested me because I love
conspiracy theories and sewing very much!
Unfortunately RPTG appears to be a hoax(?). However, the ideas about an inherent sprituality in hand-sewing interested me.
I was reading about the Baha'i Faith recently and I thought it was interesting that Monasticism is banned within the religion. Instead, work is considered a form of worship.
I have really enjoyed using the pom poms to build up a form. It got me thinking
about the idea of building a form for some of my final outcomes - as opposed to
pattern making?

.......................................................................................^^^photobooth pom-poms^^^
Below are dolls made for the Voodou Lwa Ezili Danto (Erzulie Dantor). She loves being
given dolls which in turn 'speak' for her. Objects representing beings who are not 'physical/material':