I created this mask to test mesh over taped wire (as used in my 'no sew' experimental
toile). Mesh has been great to experiment with. Next I will be hanging beads and pom poms from mesh. The puppet below has been hanging around my house since I was a kid. It gave me the idea to hang the jacket from strings like a puppet. It also reminds me of an 'ectoplasm' - gangly necked, material, monster that I am here using to represent the unknown.

Many more interesting pics that I will add later. I had to edit parts out of photos and
so on....
Inspired by these ectoplasms - In these shots they have been created by cloth and dolls faces?

Ectoplasm is shapeless, it is "informe," a kind of primordial paste—and to show itself as this, it annexes semiotic markers that designate intermediate spirit worlds. When looking at these fluid, inchoate forms, sometimes imprinted with a face, it is worth recalling that the word larva, used in English for the early stage of a caterpillar, meant "ghost" or "specter" in Latin, but is also used by Horace to designate a mask, such as might frighten an observer, while the verb larvo meant "to bewitch" or "enchant." Ectoplasmic masks are indeed larval: they promise the emergence of forms, but don't deliver them.
-Issue 12 of cabinet magazine, via stinkoblotto
and...Another interesting and bizarre resource with great images
ReplyDeleteNice -this could be a great series - were you thinking this sort of combo for the book?