^I've been trawling bizarre wedding invite sites for these. Those and websites called things
like 'pagandreamz'! Like the white seals pictured above and organic shapes they make...
I'm not aiming to actually recreate ye-olde design, more a fusion of different styles:
Going to investigate these seals in Degraves street later today... thought they might look nice
numbering my folios ie 1,2,3 in different bright colours. My folio is a series of handwritten,
burgundy, A5 moleskine journals.

^faux-seal?chewing gum on the ground? .....................^smileys 4eva :-)))))
This feed is a good resource for these seals ss many are not credited... Really like the minimal
layouts with seals or the ways that seals are used on modern stationary (ie sanrio stationary?)
to create a jarring effect...
Mac nerds really need to settle down.
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